imageWelcome to the collective bargaining page for the employees of Moog in the Netherlands. Here you will find all important information about the conditions of employment at Moog, aimed specifically at members of the VHP2 trade union. Moog designs, manufactures and integrates precision motion control products and systems. These high-quality products and systems are used in commercial and military aircraft, satellites and spacecraft, industrial tools, wind energy, marine applications and medical equipment, among others. VHP2 represents the interests of professionals and executives within the organisation. This page will keep you informed about the latest developments, negotiations and agreements concerning your terms of employment at Moog.

The basics


  • 1 February 2016 to 31 January 2018.

Type of collective agreement

  • Standard collective agreement specifically applicable to all employees of Moog B.V.

CLA parties

  • Workers' organisation: VHP2
  • Employer: Moog B.V.

Pension Fund

  • The pension is placed with Interpolis.

Main results of collective bargaining negotiations

  • Salary increases in line with pay progression in the Metalektro.
  • Improved arrangements for training and development.
  • Agreements on flexible working hours and leave arrangements.


Salary increases

  • Moog B.V. follows the structural salary increases agreed in the Metalektro CLA.
  • Individual salary increases are determined based on a merit matrix, taking into account factors such as performance and company results.

Salary scales

  • Salaries are divided into salary classes linked to job groups, ranging from class J5 to 18.
  • Positions up to and including scale 11 are graded using the AWB system; from scale 12 onwards, the HAY system is used.

Travel reimbursement

  • Employees receive an allowance of up to €0.19 per kilometre for commuting, up to a maximum of 35 kilometres one way.
  • For employees hired after 1 February 2016, the maximum public transport allowance is equal to the maximum commuting allowance for own transport.

Job evaluation

Job classification

  • Up to scale 11: Classification using the AWB job evaluation system.
  • From scale 12 onwards: Classification using the HAY job evaluation system.
  • The employer classifies the positions after consulting the works council.

Training and development

Moog B.V. attaches great importance to the development of its employees and offers various opportunities for training.

Study facilities scheme

  • Compulsory training: Full reimbursement of study costs and study leave during working hours.
  • Supporting training: Partial reimbursement of study costs and study leave.
  • Voluntary training: Employees may be eligible for partial reimbursement of study costs.

Development plan

  • Together with the manager, a personal development plan can be drawn up.
  • Depending on the type of training, arrangements are made for allowances and leave.

Reimbursement contribution

  • Employees are entitled to have their union dues deducted from their gross pay within the limits of tax laws.
  • The employer facilitates the payment of union dues.


Notice period

  • Termination of an employment contract for an indefinite period shall be in writing, in accordance with Article 7:672 of the Civil Code.
  • Employment ends at the end of the calendar month.

Working hours and shifts

Standard working hours

  • The standard annual working time for full-time work is 1,736 hours.
  • This corresponds to a 40-hour working week, excluding holiday hours and public holidays.

Flexible working hours

  • Moog B.V. operates a flexible working hours scheme (FLEX scheme).
  • Employees have freedom to choose start and end times within certain limits.


  • Overtime will be limited as much as possible.
  • Employees up to and including salary grade 11 receive overtime compensation in time or money.
  • Specific arrangements regarding overtime apply to employees above salary grade 12.

Holidays and leave

Holiday hours

  • In full-time employment, employees are entitled to 304 holiday hours per year (38 days).
  • Holiday hours are prorated for part-time employees.

Leave arrangements

  • Short-term leave and special leave: Arrangements for family circumstances, marriage and anniversary, among others.
  • Parental leave: Moog B.V. follows the legal provisions for parental leave.
  • Care leave: Arrangements for short-term care leave are laid down in the collective agreement.


Continued pay in case of illness

  • In case of incapacity for work, the employee will receive a supplement to the statutory salary amounting to the WULBZ.
  • During the first two days of illness, the employer does not have to pay wages unless otherwise stipulated.


  • Moog B.V. aims to actively reintegrate sick employees into the workforce.
  • In cooperation with the occupational health and safety service, work is done to return to work.

Cao news

  • Update negotiations: For up-to-date information on collective bargaining, contact VHP2.

Employment law questions?

Do you have questions about the collective agreement or your employment contract? Is a dispute with your employer looming? VHP2 is ready for members with labour law problems. Contact us for more information and direct support.

Read all about VHP2 Legal aid