19 FebHTC 8412:00 to 13:00VHP2 Members' meeting PhilipsPhilips has announced another reorganisation and we understand that this raises questions. Therefore, we are organising a meeting to give you...
25 FebHTC14.00 to 16.00Regular consultation PhilipsVHP2 will also attend consultations between Philips and the unions in February.
04 MarDigital13.00 to 15.00Working conditions consultation VCPVHP2 will be present at the VCP's digital CBAC - working conditions consultation on March 4.
04 MarHigh Tech Campus15.00 to 17.00Regular consultation SignifyVHP2 negotiator Casper Vaandrager attends the regular talks between Signify and the unions on March 4.
05 MarDigital10.00 to 11.00Quarterly consultation PrysmianAmilde Schuur will participate in this first quarterly meeting of the year with Prysmian on behalf of VHP2.
06 MarASML12.00 - 13.00Lunch meeting VHP2 - ASMLVHP2 has many members at ASML. It is now a tradition that VHP2 organises a lunch meeting every 3 months at...
10 MarASML13.00 to 15.00Periodic consultations ASMLVHP2 negotiator Casper Vaandrager will again attend the consultations on behalf of our union.
12 MarWells09.30 to 13.00Puttens consultation - ROMVHP2 will attend the ROM (Metalektro Consultative Council Foundation) board meeting.
14 MarDaf Trucks10.30 to 12.00Periodic consultation DAF TrucksVHP2 negotiator Amilde Schuur attends the consultations at DAF Trucks on Friday, March 14.
17 MarPhilips11.00 to 17.00Regular consultation PhilipsNegotiator Amilde Schuur will attend the consultations with Philips on behalf of VHP2.
01 AprOnline13.00 to 15.00Working conditions consultation VCPVHP2 will be present at the VCP's digital CBAC - working conditions consultation on April 1.
05 AprEindhoven city hall, Stadhuisplein 111.00 to 15.00Brabant International ExpoThe VHP2 team will be present at the second edition of the Brabant International Expo in Eindhoven. During this event,...