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VHP2, as part of the Confederation of Trade Unions for Professionals (VCP), is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached on the early retirement scheme for heavy work. This agreement is an important step forward to allow workers in heavy professions to retire earlier without compromising their financial security.

The new scheme allows employees working in heavy professions, such as construction, healthcare or industry, to retire early under certain conditions. This offers them the chance to enjoy their retirement in good health, without having to continue working until the regular retirement age. In addition, we remain committed to initiatives that contribute to healthy working for all professionals, regardless of their sector or profession.

Together with other trade unions, the VCP fought hard for this arrangement, in the interest of a healthy and safe working environment for everyone. At VHP2, we endorse these objectives and are committed to supporting our members in the practical application of this agreement.

Want to know more about what this scheme can do for you? Read the full message from the VCP or view it agreement itself.