politiek den haag

On Friday afternoon, the Cabinet presented its coalition programme. Last summer, the outline agreement was translated into a coalition programme by the new ministers. In May, the VCP had mixed feelings responded on the outline agreement. It contains no major surprises in terms of job and income security.

For a better functioning labour market, it is important to implement the labour market agenda agreed with social partner. The coalition programme announces that the cabinet will come up with legislative proposals. The VCP is closely involved in working out the coherent proposals from the SER MLT advice. Moreover, the cabinet has announced a renomination agenda with an eye on income security, where (more) work should start to pay off. We will follow this agenda closely.

There is in the coalition programme also focus on labour market tightness. That attention is justified, but the labour market tightness also calls for investments in innovation and productivity. The VCP finds the cuts in education, innovation and unemployment benefits worrying. Instead, the focus should be on work-to-work and training so that someone who loses their job can quickly find another one. Despite the clarifications, the coalition programme is still very much in outline. Much depends on how the new government will work out the details. On the upcoming Budget Day, there will be more to say about this in parts.

VHP2 is affiliated to the Confederation of Trade Unions for Professionals (VCP)