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During the recent collective bargaining negotiations, Philips made a wage offer of only 2% in 15 months (1.6% per year). This is in stark contrast to the purchasing power loss of 6.9% due to inflation and does not do justice to your daily efforts. While Philips compensates customers for losses suffered, we employees are left with crumbs.

Our demands are clear and fair:A substantial wage increase that at least compensates for inflation and improves our purchasing power.Reducing work pressure and a better work-life balance in order to continue working sustainably and healthily.Expansion of sustainable employability measures and introduction of an 80-90-100 generational policy.Higher allowances for travel expenses and working from home.Support for young employees with study debts and extension of bereavement leave.In addition, the current Central Social Plan expires at the end of 2025. We call for a new and robust plan that also recognises and protects temporary and agency workers. Moreover, employees should not suffer a loss of salary after internal redeployment in reorganisations.

Our call to Philips: Behave Royal and come up with a decent offer that does justice to the value of your employees.

Make your voice heard for fair working conditions and a fair social plan. Sign the petition and join us in standing strong for a better future at Philips!