On 10 November, it is 'Carer's Day' and we reflect on the valuable contribution of all carers. The dedication of informal carers makes a big difference in the lives of vulnerable fellow human beings. Thank you for your commitment, love, unconditional support and care for others!
Thank you to all Mantel Care Heroes
The Day of Mantel Care is a special day across the country to remember all those who care for a loved one, friend or neighbour in addition to a paid job. Informal carers are invaluable to our society and deserve our support. VHP2 appreciates your commitment and strives for more customisation from employers for informal carers.
Informal care, an indispensable task
Informal care can sometimes be intense and challenging. In addition, it can also be much satisfaction of assisting another person. Informal carers are the silent forces in our society who make a difference in someone else's life every day with their efforts. An ageing population and the many challenges in our care system make it necessary for family members, friends, acquaintances and neighbours to offer help.
VHP2 sees that more and more employers are paying serious attention to the important task carers take on with love and dedication. Every person is different and every situation unique. Customisation is asked of employers, and To actively think with and flexibly respond to the needs of informal carers.
Support and information
There are numerous ways of supporting informal carers and, fortunately, there are an increasing number of organisations dedicated to helping and supporting informal carers. On the website www.werkenmantelzorg.nl you will find useful information on combining work and informal care, rights and regulations as well as practical tips to find the balance in an often busy and demanding time. Feel free to take a look and discover what is possible to ease your care responsibilities.
Sign up to receive an attention!
As a token of appreciation, VHP2 wants to do something special for carer members. Report to us via info@vhp2.nl If you are a carer and receive a nice gift. This is our way of thanking you for all you do for another.