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Welcome to the collective bargaining page for the employees of Trivium Packaging. Here you will find all important information about the terms and conditions of employment at Trivium Packaging, aimed specifically at members of the VHP2 trade union. Trivium Packaging is a leading producer of metal packaging, with operations worldwide and known for its focus on sustainability, quality and innovative solutions. VHP2 represents the interests of professionals and executives within the organisation, with the aim of achieving a fair and balanced CLA. This page will keep you informed about the latest developments, negotiations and agreements concerning your terms of employment at Trivium Packaging.

Cao Metalektro

Employees of Trivium Packaging are covered by the Metalektro Basic and HP collective bargaining agreements. Want to know more? Then visit the page about the cao Metalektro, or consult the FAQ for frequently asked questions on the Basic and HP CAO Metalektro.

Up-to-date information

The current collective agreement Metalektro runs from 1 June 2024 to 31 December 2025. Below is the latest information on the collective bargaining agreements relevant to the employees of Trivium Packaging:

  • Pay rise: A structural wage increase of 2.75% has been agreed from 1 June 2024. An increase of 3.25% will follow on 1 January 2025 and another 3% on 1 June 2025.
  • Generation pact: There are opportunities for older workers to work less while retaining part of their salary and full pension accrual.
  • Sustainable employability: There is additional focus on training, development and retention of craftsmanship in the sector.

For specific questions on how the collective agreement Metalektro applies to your situation at Trivium, please contact your HR department or contact VHP2. Stay tuned to the latest developments and regularly check this page for updates on the Metalektro collective agreement and the implications for Trivium Packaging employees.

Sounding board group Trivium

portrait of a multi ethnic and young members of a coworking

Think and talk in the focus group!

Do you have ideas about your terms and conditions of employment? Would you like to influence the discussions at Trivium and the negotiations within your sector? Join the sounding board group and have your say on the future of your work!

At VHP2, we believe in the power of cooperation. The more people think along, the stronger we are in negotiations on employment conditions.

Subscribe today and join the conversation! Want to know more? Then visit this page for detailed information on VHP2's focus groups.