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Welcome to the CLA page for the employees of Philips Netherlands. Here you will find all important information on the terms of employment at Philips, compiled especially for members of trade union VHP2. Philips is a leading global health technology company with a strong focus on innovation and improving quality of life. VHP2 promotes the interests of highly skilled professionals and executives within Philips, with the aim of achieving fair and balanced working conditions. This page will keep you informed of the latest developments, negotiations and agreements that affect your terms of employment at Philips.

The basics

1 January 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Type of collective agreement
Standard collective agreement (read here what the difference is between a standard collective agreement and a minimum collective agreement).

CLA parties
- Employee organisations: VHP2, FNV Metaal, CNV, De Unie
- Employer organisation: Philips

Pension Fund
The pension is administered by the Philips Pension Fund.

Main results of collective bargaining negotiations
Apart from agreements on a structural salary increase, better travel allowance, and more control over working hours, the following agreements have been made in the CBA Philips 2023-2024:

  • Generation policy: There is an early retirement scheme for employees who have worked for 45 years.
  • Expense allowance: There is an increase in travel allowance and a home working allowance of €2.75 net per home working day.
  • Salary increases: Collective wage increases of 7% from August 1, 2023 and 3% from June 1, 2024 for departments 45 or below.


These are the agreements in the current collective agreement:
- All employees will get a salary increase of 7% from August 1, 2023.
- A further 3% salary increase will follow from 1 June 2024.

Salary scales
Philips determines employees' pay through salary scales and steps. Every job has a job rating to which certain salary scales are linked. Work experience determines the classification upon entry into service. Employees move up one step each year until the maximum of the scale is reached. Employer and employee can also make separate agreements if desired.

Travel reimbursement
According to the collective agreement, Philips sets a travel allowance of €0.15 net per kilometre for commuting with a maximum of 35 kilometres one way.

Home working allowance
A home working allowance of €2.75 net per home working day applies.

Travel expenses are reimbursed based on the lowest class of public transport and the cheapest fare. If the employer gives permission to use a private car, you will receive €0.30 per kilometre. End-of-year bonus (thirteenth month). Employees under CLA Philips are entitled to 8% end-of-year bonus.

Job evaluation

Job evaluation and grading
Jobs within the CAO Philips are classified in job groups 10 to 90 according to a job evaluation system. Based on a job description, a job is assigned to a job group.

Training and development

According to the collective labour agreement, every employee has rights and obligations with regard to training. The basic assumption is that training promotes employees' expertise and internal flexibility and increases their chances on the labour market.

Development plan.
First describe in concrete terms your training and education needs for the coming years and state the costs and time involved. In consultation with your employer, you record this information in your personal (multi-year) development plan (POP).

Compensation of money and time.
Together with your employer, you make arrangements about the allowance for study costs and study leave. According to the collective labour agreement, job-related training and the costs of courses you take on behalf of your employer are fully reimbursed. Moreover, the time required to attend training and take exams is considered working time in those cases.

More info on Employability & Vitality → E-miles V-miles (pdf)

End-of-year bonus

In November, you will receive a year-end bonus of 6% on 12 times your salary, including personal allowance and holiday allowance.

Overtime allowance

Overtime will be compensated in time or paid out per month with an allowance of 50%. Overtime pay is not included in the calculation of holiday allowance and year-end bonus.

Scheduling allowance

If you work outside regular working hours, you will receive a roster allowance. This percentage varies depending on the time and day you work.

Employment contract

An employment contract at Philips can be entered into for a definite or indefinite period. Fixed-term contracts last for a maximum of one year, unless specific circumstances apply.

Notice period

For the employer, the notice period is at least two months. For employees, the notice period is one month, with a maximum of six months if agreed in writing.

Working week

New employees have a 38-hour working week. Employees with a 36-hour working week retain it.


Employees are entitled to 180 holiday hours per year, which amounts to 25 days' holiday for full-time employment.

Reporting sick

In case of illness, you must report this to your employer immediately. As soon as you have recovered, you also report this. All sick reports are registered with the Occupational Health and Safety Service.

Sounding board group Philips

portrait of a multi ethnic and young members of a coworking

Think and talk in the focus group!

Do you have ideas about your terms and conditions of employment? Would you like to influence the discussions at Philips and the negotiations within your sector? Join the sounding board group and have your say on the future of your work!

At VHP2, we believe in the power of cooperation. The more people think along, the stronger we are in negotiations on employment conditions.

Subscribe today and join the conversation! Want to know more? Then visit this page for detailed information on VHP2's focus groups.